Thursday, July 26, 2007

Breezy Singers Robot Birds, Annoying But Controllable


Prepare for the upcoming apocalypse when all birds are extinct with these Breezy Singers Robot Birds.
They have moving tails and heads, and react to motion and changes in
light with their recorded songs that are straight from the Cornell Lab
of Ornithology. They sit still enough so that they are easily picked
off with a shotgun one by one, or you can let them sit there and tweet
so they'll scare away all the real birds, a task they can accomplish a
whole lot cheaper than those falcon robot birds we showed you a couple of months ago. Hey, maybe these little robots would be a perfect companion for your robot bird watcher.

Choose from a variety of species, including the American Robin,
Northern Cardinal, Eastern Bluebird, Blue Jay, American Goldfinch and
Yellow Warbler. Wait a minute. These aren't actually supposed to be
used for target practice, because they cost $14.90. Put away that
shotgun; you'll have to silence them by using their on-off switches.

Article Link

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